Peacehaven NSPCC volunteer to climb Everest for charity | The Argus

2022-10-11 00:51:10 By : Mr. curry zhang

An NSPCC volunteer from Peacehaven will be spending her 62nd birthday trekking Mount Everest to raise money for the charity’s Childline service.

Dawn Paul, chairwoman of Brighton NSPCC volunteers, will spend 18 days starting in late October, climbing the Everest Base Camp which is 5,357 metres high.

She originally planned the trip while celebrating her 60th birthday but the coronavirus pandemic forced a pause on her plans.

Dawn Paul, Chair of Brighton Area NSPCC Volunteers.

She has now decided to take on the challenge while being accompanied by her eldest son Andrew. 

Dawn said: “Instead of trekking to Everest Base Camp, I ended up circumnavigating a local park 60 times as Covid was in full swing.

“Here I am two years later and two years older with a body that’s definitely beginning to feel its age, finally heading to Nepal to trek up to Everest Base Camp.

“I suffer from claustrophobia, so just sleeping in a tent and sleeping bag is a complete nightmare.

“This trip equally excites and terrifies me. The thought of crossing rope bridge after rope bridge makes me quake in my boots.

Dawn Paul, Chair of Brighton Area NSPCC Volunteers.

The 14 of the 18 days in Nepal will be spent at altitude trekking for 10 hours at a time.

Dawn will have to pitch up a tent and camp in potentially sub-zero temperatures.

She was diagnosed with osteoarthritis in her knees as well as catching Covid twice, which has set her back in her training regime.

Dawn Paul, Chair of Brighton Area NSPCC Volunteers.

Dawn explained: “Sadly, I am not as fit as I could be, but I will give this challenge 100%.

“Having my eldest son with me is what has kept me focussed, although he has had his own health problems in recent years after a meniscus tear in his left knee.

“All funds raised will go towards supporting Childline, one of the vital services provided by the NSPCC.

“The service is there to give young people a voice when no one is listening.

“The service can only continue thanks to the very generous donations from each and every one of you.”

She has already raised more than £3,000 on her JustGiving page ahead of the journey.

To support Dawn on her fundraising journey, you can donate to her JustGiving page.

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